
Showing posts from October, 2020

PHASES of Research Process (Busca, Reymark A.)

Busca, Reymark A. BSN III C RESEARCH STUDY: Major phases of the research process.           If one would like to have truthful information on world around, on nature, on human being, he/she have to look for convincing data. Collecting such data is process complicated, and complex and due to this very difficult.  Generally,  research is understood as systematic, controlled, empiric and critical investigation of hypothetic statements on supposed relationships among phenomenon .  To have a successful research study, it must follow the 5 phases of research process.         The first phase is conceptual phase .   Conceptualisation refers to the process of developing refining abstract ideas. the initial phase was of research and involves the intellectual process of developing research idea into a realistic and appropriate research design. This phase maybe time consuming, depending on the level of expertise of the ...

Research Problem: Determining a good quality and an acceptable research problem

Busca, Reymark A. BSN III C      Research problem in study:   Is it really a first basis to determine the quality of the study?      Over time, research is not new to college life, even in the past years. We have done this during our Senior High School years because this is included in the subjects to be taken before we can proceed the tertiary level of schooling. Research is said to be one of the most difficult subject. We cannot complete our college schooling if we don’t enroll this subject.      Florence Nightingale is called “the mother of modern nursing.” She was the first one who started incorporating research into her practice. While providing patients with health care and support, nurses observe things that may need further investigation. Talking about research there are many parts to be included and be followed, one of that is to choose and think about what should be the title of the study which exactly talks about what proble...