Research Problem: Determining a good quality and an acceptable research problem

Busca, Reymark A. BSN III C

    Research problem in study: Is it really a first basis to determine the quality of the study?

    Over time, research is not new to college life, even in the past years. We have done this during our Senior High School years because this is included in the subjects to be taken before we can proceed the tertiary level of schooling. Research is said to be one of the most difficult subject. We cannot complete our college schooling if we don’t enroll this subject. 

    Florence Nightingale is called “the mother of modern nursing.” She was the first one who started incorporating research into her practice. While providing patients with health care and support, nurses observe things that may need further investigation. Talking about research there are many parts to be included and be followed, one of that is to choose and think about what should be the title of the study which exactly talks about what problem are you or are we going to solve. It’s important to spend some time assessing and refining your question before you get started. This research problem is the most important part of research. As to the question why is it important, this is very necessary mainly because this is where you can initially impact people with what you are studying and what you are focusing.  With research problem, we can give an initial point to readers and beneficiaries of the study. 

    How  can we determine if the research problem is good in quality? Quality of research must be the priority of the researchers, as this is the reason why people chooses your study among others. It can also be one way to extremely convince people to believe your study. There are many things to consider that the research problem is in good quality, one of that is, it must be enthusiastic, the problem  is very attractive to the researchers and finds it easy to do even beyond official hours. Another thing, research problem must be relevant to the needs of patient and people, simply because a researcher must not be the only one who can benefit his or her study, make sure that a research can be beneficial to anybody. The last one is, it must be inventive. Research must be original and unique to anybody and results must be worthy to the people. Overall a research problem must have SMART characteristic. It must be Specific, meaning the problem is specifically stated. Measurable, wherein research is easy to measure using instruments. Achievable, research data are achievable using appropriate biostatistical tools. Realistic, real results should not be manipulated. And the last one is Time bound, it is where time frame is needed in every activity due to the shorter completion, the better.

    What is or are the basis of accepting research problem? 

       A research problem must be clearly stated of what is to be solve. This could give readers an initial  view of what the study all about. Second reason why research problem should be accepted is, the actual research problem must be stated in declarative or interrogative form. And most of all, research problem must be significant to nursing profession, because this is actually the major purpose of research, mainly to assess what practice should be followed and what’s not. 

    Here are some examples of a good problem statement: 

      * The effects of maternal smoke exposure to the development of the child.

      * Impact of migration to the profession of nursing in the Philippines.

      * Learning challenges of nursing students in the clinical setting.


  1. interesting problems good luck on your research proposal


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