EMPIRIC PHASE: The third Phase of Nursing Research

EMPIRIC PHASE: The third Phase of Nursing Research In the empirical phase, the researcher implements all the plans that he or she made in the first phase, step 3, to collect the data . This involves the collection of data and the preparation of data for analysis. A data collection plan needs to be developed specifying: What data will be collected; How the data will be collected (i.e., in person, over the phone); Who will collect the data; • How data collectors will be trained; and The data collection procedure (i.e., what order forms are filled out, what the interview questions are). In many studies empirical phase is the most time-consuming part of the investigation. The amount of time spent, however, varies from the study to study. So we can say that empiric phase is composed of the following activities: To do all activities related to gaining scientific results, to ...